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core tool in a sentence

"core tool" in Chinese  


  • These tools use Cordova, and not PhoneGap for their core tools.
  • However, some contemporary archaeologists and prepared-core tools, and so forth.
  • The core tools can be augmented with tools designed for a particular application of Sakai.
  • The artefact assemblage is from what is described as the Australian Core Tool and Scraper Tradition.
  • This course will examine these questions by developing and then drawing on core tools of public policy analysis.
  • Abrading of surface material would be accomplished through the use of a specialized abrading bit placed in the coring tool.
  • Collectively process and device simulation form the core tools for the design phase known as TCAD or Technology Computer Aided Design.
  • The Middle Paleolithic followed the Lower Paleolithic and recorded the appearance of the more advanced prepared-core tool-making technologies such as the Mousterian.
  • The set of core tools has continued to expand, now including a package manager, time-traveling debugger, and installers for Mac and Windows.
  • In 1933, Hughes Tool engineers created a aviation, and the casino industry in Las Vegas, although his father's core tool manufacturing business remained by far the company's chief source of revenue.
  • It's difficult to see core tool in a sentence .
  • Care is required to keep the outer shield from touching the spike; installation kits include a " coring tool " to drill through the outer layers and a " braid pick " to clear stray pieces of the outer shield.
  • The introduction of Gmax and Autodesk's distribution of the core tools was thought to be aimed towards remedying the'limited-options infringement'of 3D modeling packages that had been widespread among amateur 3D modeling and game mod communities to that point.
  • But a mix of old and new techniques is changing all that, including the sterilization of drilling rigs and coring tools and the use of physical and chemical tracers to monitor the flow of fluids in the drilling circulation systems, lowering the risk that surface contamination could be mistaken for deep life.
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